Many people are used to a tradition of “giving something up for Lent.” This tradition has been around for many years, and there is nothing wrong with it.
In a similar way, for many there is a sense that in the Season of Lent we have a sense of pending darkness and gloom. This not only reinforces the stereotype that darkness = bad or negative things, but also does not always fit with the scriptures.
The lectionary scriptures during Lent, rather than encouraging giving something up or moving toward darkness, tend to promote growing and expanding light, newness, and hope. It is only in the specific context of the Passion story that we realize the light was dimmed by our actions.
As we worship during Lent, we will be exploring the image of light growing until it is diminished on Palm/Passion Sunday as we move toward the enclosed tomb.
As we explore scriptures from Matthew and John during Lent, we see the amazing life that God gives, how God is repeatedly expanding the boundaries and opening doors to us and other outsiders. We celebrate the light that seems to grow as we observe God’s activity in the world.
And yet, on Palm/Passion Sunday, we recognize our participation in enclosing Jesus in the darkness of the tomb, as if we, too, like the Roman powers two millennia ago, believe we can somehow extinguish the powerful message that Jesus brought.
It is an astonishing indictment.
Blessings as we move toward the Light of Lent,
Pastor Candice
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