Greetings Church,
On Wednesday, July 5 Pastor Candice will walk back in the church door, something she has not done for the past 60 days or so. Her eight week sabbatical will be over. My hunch is that during these last couple of weeks, she is finding she is indeed ready to return. She has been blessed by this break, but is ready to get back to doing what she is blessed by God to be doing as her life’s work. Hopefully, the congregation, as well, has been blessed by this break, and is ready to get back to doing what it is blessed by God to be doing.
And so I have to ask, just exactly what is “IT"? What is it that the Church has been blessed by God to be doing? What is God calling the Church to be and to do now, in the end of the second decade of the 21st century?
It would be very easy for both pastor and congregation to fall back into the same old routine, and spend time doing the “same ol’ - same ol’.” It would be very easy to get sucked up into the demands of everyday life and ministry, where everything seems important and needs to be attended to… immediately! I challenge you to avoid this “church rut” if you possibly can. Don’t let Pastor Candice do everything. Don’t let her use the reasoning that if she doesn’t do it, it won’t get done. Remember, this is YOUR congregation and Pastor Candice has been called to be God’s servant in this place.
Capitol Hill Christian Church will never again be the church it was in 1957 or 1980 or even early 2016. And thanks be to God for that! Please, please don’t permit yourselves to focus on “the glory days” of CHCC. Please, please don’t permit yourselves to settle back into complacency and a spirit of meaninglessness.
In order to continue to be a vital congregation, Capitol Hill must embark on a Spirit-led, prayer-full journey of discernment to find again the mission and ministry of the Church. CHCC must again prayerfully listen to what God is calling the Church to be and do in this day and time. And remember, everyone in this congregation has a voice and a right to be heard.
From my few weeks with you, I’ve learned that you are more than willing to listen to viewpoints that may be different than your own. I know that you are open to explore new thoughts, new concepts, and new ideas. I have sensed a yearning within each of you, as a congregation, to be and to do something different than you are now.
What will that be? I’ll be excited to watch from afar as you all make this journey of faith together. May your sabbatical spirit continue!
Yours, faithfully, in Christ! Don Hiscox, Sabbatical Minister
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